Presentations: Debugging JavaScript

This is a post in the Presentations series.

Guidelines and techniques for debugging, and stories of solving real-world bugs

In mid-2021 I had the chance to do a talk on "Debugging Software" for a meetup hosted by In 2022, I did an updated "Debugging JS" version of the talk for ThisDot Media's "JS Drops" video series.

I previously did a post on Debugging Tips, where I listed some quick tips for thinking about debugging, and recapped the stories of several interesting bugs I ran into and solved.

I later had a chance to present this talk at React Summit 2023 in Amsterdam.

This talk was based on that post, and covers:

  • Concepts and principles for thinking about debugging, as well as some additional tips
  • Specific techniques for debugging, including how to use both print logging and GUI debuggers effectively, as well strategies for debugging React, Redux, and JS
  • A quick example of using Replay to investigate bugs using time-travel debugging

The slides also include some "Scene of the crime"-themed versions of some of those debugging stories (not covered in the video due to time constraints).

Debugging JS - slides 🔗︎

Debugging JS - video (React Summit 2023) 🔗︎

Debugging JS - video ("JS Drops") 🔗︎

This is a post in the Presentations series. Other posts in this series: