Blogged Answers
Details on the painful experiences and hard-earned lessons I've learned migrating the Redux packages to ESM
Techniques and sources I use to estimate relative market share of various NPM packages, with caveats and examples
Thoughts on how Redux testing has evolved from 'isolation' to 'integration'
Definitive answers and clarification on the purpose and use cases for Context and Redux
Thoughts on the tradeoffs of trying to write "reusable components"
Details on how React rendering behaves, and how use of Context and React-Redux affect rendering
Thoughts on why I write stuff publicly
Reasons why I selected thunks instead of sagas as the default async middleware
Some quick thoughts on balancing roles as a senior dev
An explanation of how React Context behaves, and how React-Redux uses Context internally
The obligatory look back at what's happened
Some potential benefits and use cases using thunks for async logic
An explanation of the various options for batching actions in Redux
Thoughts on my experiences learning and using TypeScript, from different perspectives
Some observations on the tradeoffs involved in using React hooks
A few tips on debugging from experience, plus some stories
Some clarification on what's going on with Redux
Advice and resources for getting started with Redux
Advice and resources for getting started with React
A summary of the differences between Webpack HMR and React-Hot-Loader
Or, How I Found Myself Spending Way Too Much Time Bookmarking Things And Answering Questions