Details on the painful experiences and hard-earned lessons I've learned migrating the Redux packages to ESM
Guidelines and techniques for debugging, and stories of solving real-world bugs
Techniques and sources I use to estimate relative market share of various NPM packages, with caveats and examples
A dive into how we designed the API for the new RTK listener middleware
Details on why I'm joining to build better debugging tools
A detailed look at my long process to migrate a classic MEAN app from AngularJS to React, Next, and TypeScript
Thoughts on how Redux testing has evolved from 'isolation' to 'integration'
Links to the podcasts I appeared on in 2021
Definitive answers and clarification on the purpose and use cases for Context and Redux
An updated introduction to React, Redux, and TypeScript for 2020
Links to the podcasts I appeared on in 2020
An overview of the concepts, terms, and data flow used in web apps: AJAX, JSON, APIs, and data transfer
An overview of the concepts, terms, and data flow used in web apps: JavaScript and the DOM
An overview of the concepts, terms, and data flow used in web apps: browsers, HTML, and CSS
An overview of the concepts, terms, and data flow used in web apps: JS client development environment, tooling, and deployment
An extensive look at what's going on with Redux in 2020
Thoughts on the tradeoffs of trying to write "reusable components"
How I hacked CRA's config to have it build a classic AngularJS codebase
Reasons why I selected thunks instead of sagas as the default async middleware
An explanation of how React Context behaves, and how React-Redux uses Context internally
Some potential benefits and use cases using thunks for async logic
An explanation of the various options for batching actions in Redux
Thoughts on my experiences learning and using TypeScript, from different perspectives
More thoughts and observations on the tradeoffs involved in using React hooks and React-Redux
Some observations on the tradeoffs involved in using React hooks
A presentation on the history and implementation of React-Redux
A comprehensive overview of JavaScript and its ecosystem
An extensive look at what's going on with Redux in 2019
Or, how I spent a few weeks obsessing over a task that only I cared about
An impromptu update on what's going on with Redux in late 2018
In-depth slides for my Redux Fundamentals workshop
An overview of what Redux is, and why and how to use it
An up-to-date React+Redux introduction slideset
Intermediate handling of nested relational data and tree components
Practical Redux is now an interactive course on!
An overview of Redux's extensible design and the Redux ecosystem
Techniques for managing Redux-driven UI components like modals and menus
Updates to app dependencies, use of Redux-ORM 0.9, and caching NPM dependency files
More thoughts on what Redux requires, how Redux is intended to be used, and what is possible with Redux
Thoughts on what Redux requires, how Redux is intended to be used, and what is possible with Redux
Techniques for wrapping imperative code in components
Create-React-App ejection, Webpack tweaks, and use of Webpack's DllPlugin
A peek behind the curtain of my slides
An up-to-date React+Redux introduction slideset
Generic entity reducer logic, form current/draft data management, and form reset handling
Techniques for managing form events, data editing capabilities, and reducer structures for features
Connecting lists and forms, performance guidelines, editing features, and UI state
Opinions on the benefits and use cases of thunks and sagas with Redux
Sourcemaps, sample data, basic data management, and selection handling
UI libraries, folder structures, tab panel management, and initial layout with mock contents
Initial steps for our sample application
Useful techniques for using Redux-ORM to help manage your normalized state, part 2: In-depth examples of how I use Redux-ORM
Useful techniques for using Redux-ORM to help manage your normalized state, part 1: Redux-ORM use cases and basic usage
First in a series covering Redux techniques based on my own experience
First in an occasional series of thoughts on good usage patterns for Redux
Names, and logos, and screenshots, oh my!