Greatest Hits
A live-coding stream that shows how to use Redux, TS, and RTK Query
Definitive answers and clarification on the purpose and use cases for Context and Redux
An extensive look at what's going on with Redux in 2020
The most popular and frequently-referenced posts on this blog
Details on how React rendering behaves, and how use of Context and React-Redux affect rendering
How I hacked CRA's config to have it build a classic AngularJS codebase
Reasons why I selected thunks instead of sagas as the default async middleware
An explanation of how React Context behaves, and how React-Redux uses Context internally
Thoughts on my experiences learning and using TypeScript, from different perspectives
A look at the motivations, design, and goals for Redux Toolkit
A look at how Git works, suggested best practices, and how I rewrote an app's Git history
More thoughts and observations on the tradeoffs involved in using React hooks and React-Redux
Some observations on the tradeoffs involved in using React hooks
A presentation on the history and implementation of React-Redux
A comprehensive overview of JavaScript and its ecosystem
An extensive look at what's going on with Redux in 2019
A few tips on debugging from experience, plus some stories
Some history and explanations of how React-Redux got its API, and how it works internally
Or, how I spent a few weeks obsessing over a task that only I cared about
In-depth slides for my Redux Fundamentals workshop
Some clarification on what's going on with Redux
An overview of why and how to use Reselect with React and Redux
Advice and resources for getting started with Redux
Advice and resources for getting started with React
Techniques for managing Redux-driven UI components like modals and menus
More thoughts on what Redux requires, how Redux is intended to be used, and what is possible with Redux
Thoughts on what Redux requires, how Redux is intended to be used, and what is possible with Redux
Techniques for managing form events, data editing capabilities, and reducer structures for features
Connecting lists and forms, performance guidelines, editing features, and UI state
Opinions on the benefits and use cases of thunks and sagas with Redux