TS Congress 2022: Lesson from Maintaining TS Libraries

This is a post in the Presentations series.

Tips, tricks, and takeaways from maintaining TS libraries

I had the opportunity to give a talk at the first-ever Typescript Congress virtual conference.

My talk went over a variety of things I've learned working on the TypeScript aspects of the Redux libraries over the last few years. I covered things like different ways to include types when publishing, approaches for versioning public types APIs, supporting multiple TS versions, debugging and testing types, and some wacky examples of actual types from our libraries.

The recorded talk can be viewed on the TS Congress website:

Lessons from Maintaining TS Libraries - video ๐Ÿ”—๏ธŽ

And the slides are here:

Lessons from Maintaining TS Libraries - slides ๐Ÿ”—๏ธŽ

This is a post in the Presentations series. Other posts in this series: