Presentations: Podcast Appearances in 2021

This is a post in the Presentations series.

Links to the podcasts I appeared on in 2021

Intro 🔗︎

As with last year, I've continued to get a number of invites to appear as a guest on various podcasts.

I'll link them chronologically.

March: React Roundup 🔗︎

First off for this year was the React Roundup podcast. We covered most of the usual topics like "Redux isn't dead" and "RTK is useful", as well as how I got into open source and my goal of creating a "React community tools and practices" site to help provide ecosystem guidance:

March: FullStack Jam 🔗︎

This discussion covered many of the usual topics: Redux's usage and current status, how Redux Toolkit makes using Redux easier, and how RTK Query simplifies data fetching:

March: State of the React Ecosystem 🔗︎

A panel vidcast where several React ecosystem library maintainers were able to talk about what's new and upcoming with their tools:

May: PodRocket 🔗︎

I appeared on LogRocket's podcast, and we had some great discussions about the value of Redux, what's in RTK, tradeoffs of using Immer, when it makes sense to use Redux, why people keep claiming Redux is dead, and how people should approach writing new tutorials for tools that already have docs and an ecosystem:

December: Scrimba Podcast 🔗︎

A nice discussion about career-related topics, including thoughts on searching for info online and dealing with programming errors.

This is a post in the Presentations series. Other posts in this series: