Presentation: Modern Web Dev Overview

This is a post in the Presentations series.

Names, and logos, and screenshots, oh my!

I recently had the opportunity to give an internal presentation to an engineering group about the history and current state of web development. It traces the history of web development through three major eras (Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and the Modern Era), summarizes the major tools, technologies, and trends in modern web development, and discusses some of the reasons why these tools are needed for building complex applications. It also briefly mentions some of the decisions and tools I've made for the current app I'm working on, and gives resources for further information and reading.

I've adapted the presentation for publication online, using the nifty Spectacle web presentation tool.

The slides are available here:

The (R)Evolution of Web Development 🔗︎

This is a post in the Presentations series. Other posts in this series: